Every now and then it's good to take a breather; take a moment to look back on what the world of video games has given to its' fans. Over the years, gamers have been given amazing lore, grueling challenges, beautiful cutscenes, and who could forget the memes. It's no surprise that video games have had such an impact on meme culture, and Resident Evil fans made sure to jump in on the fun.

In between the terrifying zombies and tyrants, it's fun to poke holes in some moments in the series that made players collectively raise a few eyebrows and to laugh it off together. Here are some of the funniest Resident Evil memes made by creative fans from the Resident Evil meme Reddit and Facebook pages!

10 Leon Vs. 2020

Resident Evil 2 Remake Leon Meme Licker

Things have been a little hectic (to say the least) for everyone since almost the beginning of last year. 2020 really was that one enemy that snook up to take everyone by surprise with as many unpleasantries as it could throw at them.

Poor unsuspecting Leon may have his defenses but in the end, it looks like this Licker most likely got the best of him. And as unfortunate as it is, it isn't as simple as the "staying quiet in hopes 2020 doesn't hear us" tactic that Reddit users hope it would be.

Here's to hoping for a new 2021 version of this meme in which Leon finally ends up the triumphant one!

9 The Ever-Changing Chris Redfield

Resident Evil Chris Meme

Over the years, the beloved Chris Redfield has undergone a plethora of changes. From the fairly "average joe" in Resident Evil 1 to the beefy boulder-killing Chris in Resident Evil 5; it goes to say Chris has gone through a ton of makeovers and apparently loves drastically changing up his look every in-game appearance.

However, in the reveal at the end of Resident Evil 7, this was where most fans decided to finally draw the line. This wasn't just another iteration of Chris Redfield; to most fans, this version of him looked less like a familiar favorite and more like a complete stranger.

8 Trust No One, Not Even Yourself

Resident Evil 4 Box And Disk Meme Gun

This great niche take on a classic meme needed to be made after fans realized that the cover art for Resident Evil 4's pamphlet was the exact art Capcom decided to use for the disk as well. It is one way Leon can watch his own back, but perhaps this was a way for developers to let fans know that maybe Leon was his own biggest enemy all along.

(Spoiler: it's actually the zombies)

7 Master Of Unlocking, Jill Sandwich

Resident Evil Jill Sandwich Meme Gordon Ramsey Holding Bread

The original meme is a bit harsher but it's favorable to think that even the great chef Gordon Ramsey would have a hard time insulting Jill Valentine!

Far from an idiot, the incredibly smart and talented Jill Valentine, no matter what the series threw at her, couldn't ever truly escape the "Jill Sandwich" meme started in the original game. Sure, she was blonde and was brainwashed by Wesker at one point, but that one line from fellow S.T.A.R.S member, Barry, really made the longest-lasting impression. The "Jill Sandwich" line is arguably the most famous meme to come out of the entire series and luckily isn't going stale any time soon.

6 Doctors Hate Him!

Resident Evil T-Virus Meme Mr. X And Nick Valentine

Borrowing Fallout's very own Detective Nick Valentine, this meme is a great joke about Mr. X's (facetious) glow up. Although these two have a few similarities, they couldn't be any more different from each other.

It does bring up the question about what would actually happen to Nick Valentine if he were injected with the T-Virus; would it even work on him? And more importantly, after drawing a connection between the two dapper gentlemen, who do fans think has the nicer hat?

5 Raccoon City's Most Wanted

Resident Evil 2 Remake Safe Room Meme Leon Mr. X

The moment the tables turned and Mr. X was allowed in the safe room, players were forced to rethink their usual strategy. In Resident Evil 2 Remake, the Main Hall was to be a sanctuary; a place where Leon and his buddy Marvin could take a breather from the madness within the rest of the Raccoon City Police Station. It was a peaceful place where Leon could take his time, arrange his inventory, sort out his items and see what he needed and what he could store, and even take a moment to heal up.

However, once Mr. X is introduced, that safe haven is no longer an option to take a break and plan; it was now just as dangerous as any part of the police station! That moment players first heard the daunting footsteps of the angry well-dressed Tyrant in the Main Hall truly stuck with them, teaching fans that in a game like Resident Evil, even safe havens can be invaded.

4 The Duality Of "That Doge"

Resident Evil Doge Meme

In Resident Evil 4, Leon comes across a little dog in need of help. It appears weak and helpless, so most players opted to help the little guy out. However, it took a lot of players by surprise when the dog made its heroic reappearance; this time, reversing the roles and coming to Leon's aid when battling El Gigante.

Although relieved to see the innocent doggy had survived, it seemed a bit ridiculous to see this little dog that was bested by a bear trap not too long ago, have no issue with fighting alongside Leon when trying to take down a creature more than ten times its size! Even in the Resident Evil universe, we don't deserve dogs and their loyalty.

3 Wesker Undercover

Resident Evil 1 Party Meme Wesker In Corner

The big reveal about Wesker's betrayal from the original game definitely stuck with players over the years as it then solidified Albert Wesker as the most prolific antagonist in the series.

This meme is a perfect interpretation of Wesker's time at the Spencer Mansion in the first game. While the S.T.A.R.S members run around and have their "party", trying to uncover the secrets of the mansion, Wesker is left to his own devices and essentially has to stall for time; looking busy and not suspicious at all.

2 Mr. X Gon Give It To Ya

Resident Evil 2 DMX Mr. X Meme

In an amazing edit (and also a mod), the loud, encroaching footsteps of a no-nonsense Mr. X is now also accompanied by DMX's "X Gon Give It To Ya" playing in the background as he approaches; and for one reason or another, aside from the name similarity, it's incredibly fitting.

Mr. X is the source of dread for Resident Evil fans everywhere. Hearing those heavy footsteps getting closer and closer when minding their own business, trying to solve a puzzle, or sort some inventory items is enough grounds to start running! Even if he's not in sight, Mr. X's footsteps alone serve as a great warning sign to get as far as possible. With this mod, although it won't deter Mr. X from finding Leon, it can at least replace the usual jolt of fear with a few laughs instead.

1 The Proposal

Resident Evil Silent Hill Meme Konami And Capcom Proposal

The sentiment of "always the bridesmaid and never the bride" is a familiar feeling when it comes to Silent Hill fans; and thanks to Twitter user Galfano_No_10, fans now have the perfect meme to sum up their frustration.

Ever since the revival of the series with Resident Evil 7, the franchise has brought its reputation back from the dead; keeping the series alive and well (although the zombies may not be), with news, updates, demos, trailers, and the like.

However, for the unluckySilent Hill fans out there, Konami hasn't been as generous. With the release of Resident Evil 8 is on its way, the unfortunate truth is that after the cancellation of P.T, things over in the Silent Hill fandom have been...silent.

NEXT: Resident Evil: 5 Ways It Has The Scariest Monsters (5 It's Silent Hill)